FruitMinder lets you create logs and tasks that can be set at an orchard, blocks, rows, or tree level, allowing easy management at the macro and the micro level. Never loose a bit of information about your orchard or vineyard again.
With in-depth characteristics about your trees, filtering phenotype data like fruit-counts by age, tree variety and and growing strategy can be done in the palm of your hand
Our GIS backend allows you to add data layers to your FruitMinder App
We know how every farm is different, and that growers often have multiple locations withing their operation, so we've made it so you can create as many locations as needed
Using a geojson file, you can import the GPS positions of each of your rows
Set up different blocks that you use to manage your orchard
Characteristics are what we use to describe thing that don't change, or at least don't change often about our trees. This may include things like fruit type, fruit variety, and growing strategy.
Management areas are a random collection of trees or vines. Use cases may be to set up a group of census trees or to manage unique areas like low lying or dry parts of the orchard.